Played $1,$2 mj and i won life 80 bucks. Blink Blink, at night played blackjack and won $40. Blink Blink, next dae play mj, won another $20 and $40. Blink Blink. Played blackjack with the lil kids and uncle. The first time i bet so high in my life. $50 per bet. I also dunno what im doin.
Won $100++ at first. And here comes the best part. I lost everything in a single bet. Uncle got Double aces and blackjack subsequently. All gone. BLINK BLINK BLINK. What a new yr.
Yst went Stc to work, there wasnt much ang bao also. Lost a few bets on horses initially. And when it was race 10, i was so lucky to have served a green tea to a guest and i overheard tht her horse was racing, so 6 bets on WIN for her horse. Shared the bet with chester and BINGO! It came in first. hahahahas. all came back. recoup abit. and here is the ticket.

Hehehe. loves man. hahahas. Ended work and went to catch a movie with jy, mel, joe and my sis. Ink heart wasnt tht bad, i was juz sooo tired tht i dozed off a few times thru out the movie. Nice movie i would recommend. i rate it 3.5/5 . Aft tht went to have a lil supper and off i go to my sista hse. mj all the way till 6 in the morning, SHAGGED. What a cny i have. the most boring new yr i ever had. No feel for cny at all. Ogay. Im off to some movie now. CHIAO~
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